WAL*MART Super Store to anchor KSI loan/joint venture in southern California.
A loan/equity deal with KSI Capital for 5.4 million in bare land has born fruit in just 18 months with WAL*MART contracting to anchor a 350,000 square foot "life style" shopping Mall in the fast growing city of Murrieta, California. The 12 million dollar land deal will bring a 200,000 square foot "Super WAL*MART" and 150,000 square feet of life style shopping Mall to one of the fastest growing cities in southern California. For developer Matt Haskin this is just one of seven highly successful real estate ventures his company has completed with the assistance of KSI Capital over the last three years. Replica handbags uk
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"It's like your best friend happens to own a bank" say's Mr. Haskin."
The relationship we have developed with KSI is a developers dream. It's not a blank check by any means, but when we find a project that makes sense a phone call to KSI can have money on the table in ten days. In the fast moving real estate market of southern California it gives my company a competitive edge that is hard to beat. Our latest venture with KSI is a housing/commercial project in the Palm Springs area Luxury replica watches that we needed to close in three days after we lost our equity partner at the last minute. I called Henry Haskell directly who was on the next plane to California and three days later we closed the escrow for 2.6 million. Today we are negotiating a 10.5 million resale subject to completing entitlements. I really feel like a kid in a candy store with a couple rolls of quarters".
